德籍鋼琴家魏樂富(Rolf-Peter Wille),1978年畢業於漢諾威音樂院(Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Hannover),即應邀來台任教。1987年,獲紐約曼哈頓音樂院(Manhattan School of Music, New York)鋼琴演奏博士的學位,在校期間也曾經任教於該校。
除了獨奏會,諸大明並應邀以獨奏者的身分與世界許多交響樂團演出。與著名的指揮家Gerard Schwarz, Leon Fleisher, George Mester, John Giordano, Henry Mazer, Marc Kissoczy, 李德倫、陳秋盛、張大勝、呂紹嘉、張己任、葉聰、陳佐湟、蘇正途、林友聲、李英、余隆及The Juilliard Orchestra, Hong Kong Phiharmonic Orchestra, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, Shanghai Broadcasting Orchestra, San Jose Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of R.O.C. Taipei Symphony Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Sinfonietta, 中國愛樂交響樂團,台北市國樂團等樂團合作。
留美期間鍾曉青曾參加多項鋼琴比賽,包括波士頓中華藝術協會鋼琴比賽、Clark University Commonwealth鋼琴比賽、新英格蘭教師協會鋼琴比賽、Harry Dubbs Memorial鋼琴比賽、茱麗亞音樂學院協奏曲比賽、紐澤西州立大學協奏曲比賽等,皆獲首獎之殊榮。鍾曉青於1998年贏得第七屆國際中華蕭邦鋼琴比賽第一名及指定曲最佳演奏獎,及1999年山葉音樂文化推廣委員會及功學社所主辦鋼琴傑出新秀比賽第一名。
演奏經驗豐富的鍾曉青經常受邀舉行獨奏會、室內樂演奏、鋼琴協奏及鋼琴伴奏,曾在波士頓Jordan Hall、Gardner Museum、紐約卡內基Weill Hall、Merkin Hall、林肯中心Alice Tully Hall、紐澤西Nicholas Music Center以及義大利、加拿大、日本、馬來西亞等地演出。鍾曉青亦多次與樂團合作演出鋼琴協奏,包括費城交響樂團、波士頓愛樂管絃樂團、新英格蘭音樂學院青年管絃樂團、賓州Old York Road管絃樂團、寇蒂斯管絃樂團、茱麗亞管弦樂團、紐澤西州立大學管絃樂團及台北市立交響樂團等,備受各方讚譽。
榮獲多項國際大獎的嚴俊傑,1999年贏得日本第四屆國際浜松鋼琴學院比賽冠軍,當時年僅十五歲的他獲日本報評譽為「台灣人的驕傲」;2004年初獲聖彼得堡普羅柯菲夫國際鋼琴大賽季軍,2004及2005年更連獲兩屆奇美文化藝術獎肯定;2008年,由環球唱片發行的首張個人專輯獲第十九屆金曲獎「最佳古典演奏獎」。嚴俊傑出生於台北,幼年受教於陳美富和魏樂富教授,十五歲起於德國漢諾威音樂院隨柴科夫斯基大賽金牌得主Vladimir Krainev教授學習,2007年獲美國洛杉磯Colburn音樂院全額獎學金,師事美國名師John Perry。嚴俊傑目前任教於國立臺灣師範大學,自教學以來有多位學生於國際比賽榮獲佳績。並受邀至美國及義大利音樂節任教如Music Fest Perugia 及Colburn Piano Festival等。
For more than thirty years Lina Yeh has been one of Taiwan’s most beloved pianists. Her preeminence as this country’s most unique artist came into sharp focus in 1990 when she received the National Cultural Award in recognition of her achievements in the performing arts. Lina Yeh has performed all over the world as recitalist, soloist with orchestra, and in a piano duo team together with her husband Rolf-Peter Wille. Her recent concert schedule has included tours in Australia and New Zealand, Eastern Europe, South America and the Caribbean as well as appearances in Finland, Estonia, Germany, Russia, Canada, the United States, and the Far East. As soloists and piano duo she performed with various orchestras, including the Russian National Orchestra, Calgary Philharmonic, Ural State Philharmonic, as well as all major orchstras in Taiwan. She collaborated with conductors such as Mikhail Pletnev, Simon Streatfield, Andrei Boreyko, Henry Mazer, Jajah Ling, Alexander Rudin, Carlo Ponti, Shao - Chia Lü, Wen-Pin Chien, Felix Chen and as chamber musician with violinists Ruggiero Ricci, Fredell Lack, cellists Michael Flaksman, Alexander Rudin, and flutist Robert Aitken. She has made guest appearances at festivals, among others “Braunschweig Classix” festival, Germany, the Banff festival, Canada, the Europe-Asian Piano Duo festival in Sverdlovsk, Russia, Klaaspärlimäng festival in Tallinn, Estonia, and the National Concert Hall series, Taipei.
The artist’s refined musicianship in performing the classical repertoire as well as 20th -century Chinese music has won them great critical acclaim. In 1997 Paul Griffith commented in the New York Times on the strong professional musicianship of her playing. Her latest albums having been released on the Philips and PolyGram labels, Lina Yeh has recorded a substantial part of the two-piano and piano-duet repertoire with Rolf-Peter Wille. Having a diverse cultural and educational background and having graduated from and studied at schools as different as Salzburg, Hanover, Banff, and Juilliard, she has distinguished national careers as professor (Taiwan Normal University), writer and broadcaster as well. Her principal teachers include Jacob Lateiner, Hans Leygraf, Kurt Leimer, and Robert Scholz. She has also worked on contemporary music with John Cage and Robert Aitken.